Dr. Mohd Mumazaini Misri , PhD.
Part 2.
Source of medicine and type of Remedies
There are 6 sources for Electronic Homeopathy Remedies;1) Allopathic medicine
2) Isopathic
3) Organ code
4) Homeopathy code
5) Anti disease code
6) Nosode.
There are 5 types of Electronic Homeopathy Remedies;
1) Anti nosode code
2) Anti disease code
3) Homeopathic code
4) Organ and isopathic code
5) Allopathic direct code
Emissivity in preparation Electronic Homeopathy Remedies
Every thing produce electrostatic field in respect of the basic constituent of the substance and radiates energy in infrared radiation. The wavelength band of this thermal radiation depends on the temperature of the object. Most of the thermal radiation lies in the infrared region of the spectrum, with wavelengths from about 0.7 X 10-2 m to 1.0 x 10-6 m. For any particular wavelength and temperature, the amount of thermal radiation emitted by an object is directly proportional to the spectral emissive of the object's surface and followed Planck's distribution radiation pattern.
The emissivity of the Electronic Homeopathy source is very important in the process of Electronic Homeopathy remedies preparation. Chemical content and structure of a substance is the cause in a different emssivity value. Emissivity enables the characteristic of the source of medicine such as nosode, allopathic drug, vitamin, tissue salt, steroid or fresh stuff to be copied and kept in the form of code. The code is based on the frequencies, amplitude and wavelength of the electromagnetic wave or infrared energy radiated by the substance.
To produce the Electronic Homeopathy remedies with correct energies, the electron’s energies of the electromagnetic wave must be increased. This can be done by changing the electron volt (eV) at required potencies by using operational amplifier (Op-amp). Electro Vibro Potentizer (EVP) works using inverting Op-amp, thus the potencies increment will change by reciprocal to eV. Thus, if the energy for 1e = 1ev, therefore the electron’s energies supplied for that particular potencies would be as follow;
1x = 0.1 eV
1c = 1/100 =0.01 eV
1000c = 1/100000 = 0.00001 eV
1LM =1/50 000 =0.002 eV
The decrement of eV is done by using resistor at certain value in the circuit according to Ohm’s law, V=IR
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