By Dr Mumazaini,Ph.D

Part 1


The environments today are no longer safe for human being. The pollution, the increasing ultraviolet radiation and radioactive fallout give rise to new diseases. Side effects are the most common complaint in allopathic medication as well in herbal treatment. The use of steroid, antibody and vaccination can be dangerous to the body system in long term. In an age of increasing chemical exposure from an industrialised and unfeeling world, more people are suffering from fatigue than ever before. The reasons behind this epidemic are to be found squarely in the realms of toxicity. Loss of healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, immune, hepatic, lymphatic, mental and emotional systems, leads to a variety of sometimes vague but often severe unwell ness.

Our present medical system struggles to categorise these flighty symptoms, as they may not fall into any recognisable medical diagnosis. In many cases the patient is made to feel that there is nothing wrong when it is obvious that there is. People tend to go the holistic medication. The difficulties in getting proper Homeopathic remedies and correct potencies make the Electronic Homeopathy remedies more preferable among the practitioners. Electronic Homeopathy remedies are free from any drug. It contains the code of remedy in wave form with certain energy. The Electronic Homeopathy remedies are nowadays used widely along with Homeopathic remedies.
The effectiveness of the Electronic Homeopathy remedies in curing diseases cannot be doubted, but how it works is still not fully known. This paper will discuss how Electronic Homeopathy remedies work according to Physics laws especially in the area of emissitivity.

2.Electronic Homeopathy Remedies

According to big bang theory the universe was formed through a big explosion that created mass, energy and free radical electrons. Explosions usually are destructive but not for our universe. It is a controlled explosion by the God as the creator of the universe. This explosion then provided energy to the sun and stars. The sun as a black body act as a focal point e1 radiated the energy to the universe and creating other focal point e2, e3 and so on. The plant absorbed the light energy from the sun and convert to chemical energy called glucose. Some chemical energy then passed through to the animal and man when they ate this plant stuff. Then this chemical energy again changed to another form of energy as kinetic and heat in animal body. The man then reradiates the thermal energy in wave form.

According to kinetic theory, all substances contain atoms or molecules which permanently vibrating. This vibration will create electromagnetic energy pattern with a fixed frequency. So everything in nature emits electromagnetic radiation that is a function of its temperature, and not (in theory) a function of what it is made out of. That radiation is what we call thermal radiation.

In the case of real world substance, what it is made out of does make a difference, and nature expresses that difference by a sort of efficiency; some things will emit more thermal radiation, even though they are at the same temperature as something else. High emissivity material emits more thermal radiation, and low emissivity material emits less thermal radiation, at any given temperature.

The Electronic Homeopathy remedies acts like a black body at a focal point e3 then reradiate this thermal energy in infrared wave form with certain emissitivity. This heat energy will be radiated as electromagnet wave in infrared spectrum range, so this wave can be used to cure the disease.


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